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Action News! June 2024

Joleen E Smith | Published on 6/3/2024

June 2024 Action News!

While the calendar may say summer hasn't officially arrived, we Texans know that summer weather is already here. As we dive into these warmer months, our commitment to empowering voters and defending democracy remains unwavering.

Celebrating Pride Month: Standing with the LGBTQIA+ Community
June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate and support our LGBTQIA+ community. 2023 brought an unprecedented number of legislative attacks at the state level across the country against the LGBTQIA+ community, culminating in the Supreme Court's decision in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, which legalized discrimination against same-sex couples. It is more critical than ever to advocate for equal and equitable protection under the law for all. Democracy is inclusive, and Pride is a powerful reminder of that principle.

Honoring Juneteenth: A Commitment to Racial Justice
This month, we also honor Juneteenth, commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. This pivotal moment in our history invites us to reflect and reaffirm our commitment to fighting for racial justice and equality. Participating in Juneteenth events and educational activities is a meaningful way to honor this significant day and continue the work toward a just and equitable society.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our mission. Together, we can make a difference in our communities and beyond. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let’s continue to empower voters and defend democracy!


The League of Women Voters of Texas is working tirelessly to advocate for all Texans this election season and beyond. Donate today to support our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy!

Donate Today!

Breaking News From LWVUS

One Person, One Vote

Five times in American history, the will of the people was overridden as the presidential candidate with the most votes did not win the presidency. Five times, millions of votes were silenced.

This is because our system prioritizes not the power of its people but the power of the Electoral College.

Unsurprisingly, most American voters want to eliminate the Electoral College. Just as we did in the early days of the women's suffrage movement, the League of Women Voters is creating the One Person One Vote campaign to demand that the people's voices be heard.

Over the coming months and years, LWV Texas and the One Person One Vote campaign will educate and activate people as we move past the Electoral College and towards a truly representative system.

Join the movement now!

Together, we can achieve a system made by and for the people!

A panel of experts will discuss why the Electoral College has existed for so long and how we will dismantle this system and build a democracy powered by the people, for the people – all the people on Thursday, June 17, 2024, via Facebook Live. You can learn more here.

Your Texas League in Action

GDIL Election Disinformation Resource Library

LWV Texas has partnered with the Global Disinformation Lab (GDIL) at the University of Texas for the past year to develop resources for Texas Leagues on Mis/Dis and Mal information. GDIL recruited Liz Wong, a PhD student at the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Policy, to make a presentation on Mis/Dis and Mal Information at the LWV Texas State Convention. GDIL took this opportunity to reveal the new Election Disinformation Resource Library they created on our behalf. The purpose of this resource library is to empower individuals to learn, understand, and detect disinformation.

Local Runoff Elections

Your community may have a local runoff election on Saturday, June 15th, 2024 from the May 4th local elections. Check to see if there is a local runoff election in your area.

Take Action!

Speak up on the issues impacting our democracy!
  • Demand that Congress end voter discrimination and support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act here!
  • Tell your senators to enshrine sex-based equality by affirming the Equal Rights Amendment as part of our Constitution here!
  • Demand bipartisan cooperation on voting rights here!
  • Support the expansion of voting rights here!
  • Urge Congress to address the climate crisis and protect our youth here!
  • Ask Congress to decrease the influence of dark money with the DISCLOSE Act here!


Local Leagues in Action

LWV Tarrant County

Photo credit: League of Women Voters of Tarrant County newsletter. Crystal Mason(pictured with Elizabeth Banda and Angela Rainey) was the highlighted speaker at the LWV Tarrant County annual meeting and spoke about her struggles with the state of Texas around her ability to vote after returning home from serving her prison sentence for a white collar violation. Read more here.
LWV San Antonio

Photo credit: League of Women Voters of San Antonio Area Facebook page. The Bexar County Commissioner's Court recognized May 2024 as the “League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area Appreciation Month" and highlighted their contributions to voter education and outreach initiatives. Read more here and here.
LWV Richardson

Photo credit: League of Women Voters of Richardson Facebook page. At their annual meeting, LWV Richardson honored their newest 50-year member, Nita Thomason (pictured with Richardson Mayor Pro Tem, Arefin Shamsul). Read more here.
LWV Wichita Falls

Photo credit: League of Women Voters - Wichita Falls, TX Facebook page. LWV member Major General (Retired) Dawn Ferrell was the keynote speaker for the Memorial Day Service at the Wichita County Cemetery. Read more here.
LWV Collin County

Photo credit: League of Women Voters of Collin County Facebook page. On Saturday, May 4th, LWV Collin County had a voter registration booth at Plano's AsiaFest. Read more here.
LWV Williamson County

Photo credit: League of Women Voters Williamson County here. LWV Williamson County had voter registration & information tables at all graduation ceremonies for Georgetown ISD and Leander ISD. Read more here.
Your Texas League in the News

Texas officials compromised ballot secrecy as they increased election transparency

Texas’ efforts to make elections more transparent allows the public — in limited instances — to pierce the anonymity of the ballot and find out how people voted, undermining the secrecy essential to free elections.

The choices voters make in the private voting booth can later be identified in some cases using public, legally available records, a review by Votebeat and The Texas Tribune found.

Since 2020, requests for such records have skyrocketed, fueled by unsubstantiated concerns about widespread voter fraud, and Texas lawmakers have supported changes to make election records easier to access soon after elections.

Click here to read the full article.

In testimony to state lawmakers Wednesday, Christina Adkins, the election division director for the Texas Secretary of State’s Office, confirmed this reporting. Adkins said “What we have discovered, and I think what a lot of election officials as a community have been very worried about, is that as we've increased this level of transparency, it has made this information easier to discover.”

To read more about the Secretary of State's election division testimony, click here.


Abortion Travel Bans

Around the state, local governments are considering abortion-related travel bans. In Amarillo, the League has been actively opposing such an effort. Here is a good article on where those efforts stand. You can learn more about the abortion travel ban in Amarillo here.

League of Women Voters of Texas

1212 Guadalupe St. #107
Austin Texas, 78701
(512) 472-1100