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March 2021 Action News!

LWV Texas | Published on 3/1/2021

Capitol in watercolor
President's Message:You Just Never Know, #txlege
Grace Chimene
TheGovernor, theSpeaker of the House, and theLieutenant Governor’sprioritiesare set, but you never know what will float to the top in the Texas legislature. One year it was bathroom bills, another diverting funding from public schools to private schools, another worrying aboutlocal communities making their own rules abouttree regulations. This year it seems to beclimate changeand the impact of weather on our electric grid infrastructure... or will it be mandating the singing of Star Spangled Banner?!? (Personally, I can’t hit those high notes. America the Beautiful is easier to sing for me). League advocates are ready because you just never know.

One of my favoriteLeague principlesthat Texas advocates rely on during the legislative session isThe League of Women Voters believes responsible government should be responsive to the will of the people.”Voting is one way to let elected officials know the people’s will. Another is by sharing your thoughts and personal storieswith elected officials. The League helps by providing simple advocacy tools thatcan befound on theTake Actionpage.

Some actions only take a minute.Others, like writingletters to the editor to your local papers or sharingcomments on billswith House committees, a bit longer. Check outHow to Take a Few Simple Actions.All actionsyou take make a difference in our democracy.

Throughout the legislative session, the League willkeep our eye on the prize in support of our priority issuesVoting/Elections&Redistrictingand we are counting on your help because you just never know.
Thank you for standing with the League to empower voters and defend democracy!
Your Texas League in Action!
At the Capitol
Janet Imhoff, Vice President Advocacy

On February 25, the Texas Legislature turned its attention on the Big Freeze of February 15-18 by holding hearings in both the House and the Senate.Both hearings were broadcast on the Legislature’s broadcast links are available all the time, and can also be accessed throughTexas Legislature Online.

The House State Affairs and Energy Resources Committees held a joint hearing to hear from electricity generators and wholesale suppliers on Thursday.Two takeaways stood out:

  1. Texas’ electrical generation system is built for summer heat and not extreme cold as we had in February.To manage both will be tricky as the kinds of protections for the cold, such as screens, would work against the components in our extreme heat of summer.
  2. Wind and solar performed well, contributing more to the grid than expected.The main problem with wind was freezing fog in central Texas which caused ice to build up on blades.

Solving all of the problems will take a joint effort of the industry and the legislature. OurAction Alerton this issue has already generated over 1,300 letters to your Texas legislators!Thank you!

In addition, League Presidents Carol Wallace (LWV El Paso) and Sonya Letson (LWV Amarillo)co-wrote an Op-Ed that was posted in the Houston Chronicle. El Paso and Amarillo are not on the Texas grid. What a difference! Check out their Op-Ed,"Why El Paso and Amarillo Kept the Lights On."
Voting Rights and Election Law Update
Cinde Weatherby, Issue Chair

We say it over and over, constituents are everything to elected officials.More than 900 League members and supporters have sent the postedAction Alertto request their state representative and/orstatesenator prioritize election integrity and modernize our voting systems.

Equally impressive, local Leagues are actively engaging with legislators and staffers in the senate and state representative districts they serve. Many have already talked by phone or in Zoom meetings. This contact pays off in short-term and long-term benefits.

This week, a staffer for a new member of the House Elections Committee reached out to the Texas League for assistance on an election issue. At the same time, the Dallas League was in the process of arranging a Zoom meeting with that office. Long story short, joint contact with the office led to more meaningful help for the representative and pushed up the Legislator’s priority for the Zoom meeting appointment. These interactions led to a better understanding of the issue and the process for all involved.

Redistricting Update
Stephanie Swanson, Issue Chair

The Senate Redistricting Committee had to cancel three of the public input hearings due to the winter storm we had last week. They have rescheduled two of the hearings forMarch 12th and 13th.You mustregisterto provide testimonyat these hearings.Remember, you can provide testimony at a hearing even if the focus of the hearing is not the region of the state that you live in.
The Senate Committee can choose to limit the length of testimony to two minutes if a large number of people register to provide testimony.Because of this,we want to clarify that you only need to register for the hearings if you want to provide testimony.If you simply wish to view the hearings, you can do so from theirlive-stream here.

Immigration Position Update
Gloria Suarez Sasser, Issue Chair

The League of Women Voters of Texas'Immigrationposition has now been updated and the new language has been approved by the Texas League board.

Special thanks to Immigration Update Committee for their hard work and dedication to researching the issue and updating the Texas League position. Thank you, LWV Comal Area membersAda Conlon,Daphne Sparitzar,Gilbert “Chili” Omelas,andMadelyn Sandefur(LWV Rio Grande Valley),Ann Stevenson(LWV Tarrant County), andLinda Wassenich(LWV Dallas).

March 2: Educating for American Democracy Roadmap and Report
Thisforumwill feature leading scholars discussing the Roadmap’s guidance about what and how to teach integrated K-12 history and civics for today’s learners.2 pm - 3:45 pm CT

March 4:First Meeting of theHouse Elections Committee
Join us to watch a livevideoat8 pm CT.In addition to self-introductions and introducing their staff members supporting them on the committee, theagendaincludes an update by the major state agencies that intersect with voting and elections.

March 15: Deadline to Apply - UT LBJ Women's Campaign School
The LBJ Women's Campaign School trains women to run for office or manage campaigns regardless of political party affiliation. The school inspires women to enter the political arena, and empowers them with the skills to win.Learn more.

March 17: LWV Comal Area Hosts - State of Healthcare in Texas
LWVTX Health Care Issue Chair Andrea Roa (LWV Collin County) will provide an update on healthcare in Texas and the League's position. This Zoom meeting will be live-streamed on theLWV Comal Area Facebook pageat7 pm CT. The program will be recorded and posted on theirYouTube Channelon March 18.
Please take action on the currentAction Alerts:
  • We Need an Action Plan for Climate Change!
  • We Need Improvements to Voter Registration and Vote-by-Mail!
  • We Want Fair and Open Redistricting
  • Allow Safe Public Testimony!
  • Texas Leaders: Time to Expand Medicaid

Don't forget to sign up for text notices of League Action Alerts by texting ACTION to 80123. This will be for last-minute priorities.
2021 League Action Papers

2020-2021 We Support(A summary of the Texas League positions.)
2021 Priority IssuesNew!(A summary of our priority issues.)