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1.18.21 Capitol Action Report

LWV Texas | Published on 1/18/2021


Capitol Action Report
January 18, 2021 - News, Updates & Action
Senate Passes Rules on Considering Legislation
The Texas Senate on Wednesday approved a fundamental alteration of its rules, lowering to 18 the threshold of support needed to bring a bill to the floor. This is the number of Republican senators now in the Senate, and it means they don’t need to work with any Democrats to bring up legislation. As late as 2015 the Senate had a two/thirds rule, which required 21 members and ensured some Democratic support.

Redistricting Rules Are Set by the Legislature
Stephanie Swanson, Redistricting Issue Chair

Shortly after gaveling in for the 87th Legislative Session, the Texas House and Senate adopted procedural rules for their respective chambers. The last decade of redistricting litigation was very contentious and resulted in findings of intentional racial discrimination and constitutional violations. The League of Women Voters of Texas was hopeful that the House and Senate would adopt rules that would allow a "fair and open" redistricting process to occur, just as a federal judge had called for. Unfortunately, it appears that they have adopted rules that are nearly identical to the ones used in 2011 that resulted in discriminatory maps being passed.Read more.
Your Texas League in the News
Upcoming Events & Calendar
Texans for National Popular Vote Town Hall
Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021, 1 – 2 PM Central Time

Co-hosted by LWVTX, the webinar is an introduction to the National Popular Vote in Texas, the states-driven initiative to ensure that every vote in every state counts in every presidential election. Speaker: Eileen Reavey,National Popular Vote’s, National Grassroots Director
Register Here.For those who cannot attend, the National Popular Vote organization is video taping this webinar.
Race and the Death Penalty
Saturday, Jan. 23, 2021, 11:30 AM – 1 PM Central Time

Cosponsored by LWVTX, the purpose of the conference is to highlight the inherent systemic injustices within the application of the death penalty, and how race is a key factor in determining executions.Panelists will outline how race determines who will live or die and why this practice is irrevocably flawed and must be abolished in Texas and the United States.

Keynote Speaker: Sister Helen Prejean
Panelists: Megan Rollag, Executive Director of Racial Justice Coalition; Dr. Rick Halperin, Director, SMU Human Rights Program; Mr. Roderick Reed, brother of death row inmate Rodney Reed.
LWVTX Lobby Day
Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021, 10 AM - 1 PM Central Time

Voting Rights & Redistricting - a National Perspective
Michael Liserves as Senior Counsel for the Brennan Center’s Democracy Program, where his work focuses on redistricting, voting rights, and elections.

Voting Rights & Redistricting -Impact on Communities of Color in Texas
Dr. Victoria M. Defrancesco Sotois Assistant Deanfor Civic Engagement atthe LBJ School of Public Affairs and a political analyst for NBC News and Telemundo.Her areas of expertise in the domestic policy landscape include immigration, Latinos, women and childcare, and economic equity.

You Can Take Action at the Texas Capitol
League Issue Chairs,Stephanie SwansonandCinde Weatherbywill address messaging, contacting legislators, taking action on Redistricting and Voting & Election Laws legislation.
LWVTX Vice President of AdvocacyJanet Imhoffwill highlight how Leagues take action.