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Action News! Getting Ready for the 87th Legislative Session

LWV Texas | Published on 1/4/2021
January 2021 Action News!
President's Message: A True Democracy
Grace Chimene

“In November, the American people turned out in record numbers to elect the next president of the United States and the Electoral College confirmed the people’s will last month. The electors from each state have certified their results, and the role of Congress this week is to confirm that the votes sent are the ones the electors certified. Congress has no legal ability to change those results.”
Virginia Case, CEO, League of Women Voters of the United States

We are appalled that some of our electedleaders in Texas are continuing to assault the election processby advocating thatmillions of votes be ignored because their candidate was not elected.Our democracy must be preserved, andour elected leaders must respect the will of the voters.

This past election saw historic voter turnout all across the United States. By casting ballots, voters made their choices known. Despite many court challenges to overturn these choices, the courts consistently upheld the legitimacy of the votes. The role of our representatives now is to do their job, uphold the Constitution and the courts, and start governing.
On January 6,Congress meets in joint session to formally accept each state’s electoral votes. The states have already confirmed these votes. Historically, the counting of the votes in Congress has been an official affirmation of the states’ electoral votes. Unfortunately, a few representatives, including Texas representatives, have stated that they will challenge the electoral votes of certain states during this process.

The declared outcome of the election is final.The League objects tothe attempt by a few elected officials to undermine the will of the many and to discredit our election process. Let’s continue to support one person, one vote! The people have cast their ballot - it is time to respect our election!

The League of Women Voters never supports or opposes political parties or candidates.Weencourage all eligible voters to participate in our elections.We fight for the rights of all voters and respect the results of elections.

Thank you for standing with the League to empower voters and defend democracy!
Your Texas League in Action!
Preparing for the 87th Legislative Session
Janet Imhoff, Vice President Advocacy

For the first time in over 100 years, the 87th Texas legislative session will convene during a worldwide pandemic. The session starts on January 12. Be watching for our Capitol Action Reports beginning January 18, with the latest updates and information around our Priority Issues, Election Laws and Redistricting, and our other Urgent Issues: Health Care, Women’s Health, and Climate Change. The Priority and Urgent Issues were voted on by Texas League members. Our Issue Chairs are already following bills that have been pre-filed by legislators. Bills can be filed until March 12, and committee hearings will start after shortly thereafter. For more information & updates on LWVTX issues, see theLeague Advocacy & Issues webpages.
Action Alert!Texans Commenting & Testifying

We don’t know what new ruleswill governvisiting the Capitol and delivering testimony. The rules will be adopted on the first day by the House and the Senate. Let your Texas legislators know that citizen input into the legislative process is crucial to good government! Please takeACTION HERE!

Sign up for text notices of League Action Alerts by texting ACTION to 80123.
Voting Rights and Election Law Update
Cinde Weatherby, Issue Chair

LWVTX voting rights and election law advocacy kicks off with more member enthusiasm and interest than in many years. At the same time, we face more possible roadblocks to state advocacy than in any of our lifetimes. The 2020 elections revealed new system weaknesses and amplified some we’ve been working on for years. Legislators have already introduced about 60 bills that would make voting easier or more difficult. Many bills directly address problems stemming from the 2020 elections. For example, there are bills addressing vote by mail (10), more accessible voter registration (13), curbside voting (3), and actions related to younger voters (4). Smaller in number, yet with a higher likelihood of legislative leadership support, are bills that threaten voting rights directly. A full list of all VR/EL bills will be available and stay updated with pertinent information on ourVoting Rights and Election Laws webpage.

We are concerned that the 87th Legislature will use a far less transparent process than ever before in modern times. This increases the need for constituent relationships and repeated contacts with your House and Senate members and their staffers. You should also know that voting rights and election laws are also a priority of each political party as well. We will be calling on you to amplify the work of the League in addressing outrageous voting and election allegations and responding quickly to the League's action alerts.
LWVTX Lobby Day - February 6, 2021

Please hold February 6thon your calendarfor a virtual Texas League Lobby Day. We have some exciting plans for Lobby Day in the works!