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December Action News. Let's Prepare for the 87th Texas Legislature!

LWV Texas | Published on 12/7/2020
December 2020 Action News!

The Texas elections are over and now we move intoour work in advocacy, supporting our positions, for the 87th Legislative session which opens January 12, 2021.Elected officials arefiling bills now.Soon the pace will get fast and furious. Our priority issues,voting and elections lawandredistricting,are the League's major focus, but there are many positions we are fighting for.

Your elected officials need to hear from you, their constituents, during the legislative session.We provide you with a weekly Capitol Action Report during the session, but sometimes we need quick action on a bill! Sign up to receivetexted legislative action alertsby textingAction to 80123.The League makes taking action easy for you because we really need your help to enhance our impact this legislative session
It takes hundreds of League volunteers and partners around the state to continue to Make Democracy Work in Texas.I want to take a moment to give a great big Texas shout out to all of the Texas League volunteers. All around the state, we have hard-working volunteers including:

  • Fair Maps Texas organizers
  • County website review volunteers
  • Local and state Voters Guide teams
  • Many, many creative and intrepid voter registration volunteers
  • High school voter education and registration volunteers
  • Candidate forums organizers
  • Election protection volunteers
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce volunteers
  • League volunteer fundraisers
  • State and local communications teams
  • Our dedicated staff of two
  • Volunteer interns, and
  • LWV Texas Board members.

More big thank you's to our community partner organizations, and our state and county elections partners, as well as the election judges and poll workers who made every effort to make voting safe for all Texans.

We will all remember 2020 as a heck of a year. I will also remember the awe-inspiring League volunteers. Taking all precautions, they braved COVID-19 and quickly learned to zoom Zoom to serve their communities -- continuing to Empower Voters and Defend Democracy in Texas!

It is with deep respect that I thank you!
Grace Chimene, President
Your Texas League in Action!
2020: Record Voter Registration and Record Voter Turn Out!

Texas had a record voter registration of 16,955,519 in 2020. We also had a record voter turnout for the General Election with approximately 11,309,000 Texans voting!

Well over one million voters utilized the League's Voters Guide in the traditional printed format or an online version on the League website or a look at the VOTE411 user map below.
County Election Websites Providing Better Voter Information!

The League of Women Voters of Texas conducted its seventh survey of Texas county websites in October 2020 in preparation for the November 2020 General Election. With each survey, the League has provided county election officials with additional information on best practices to improve their websites.And, with each subsequent survey, the websites have improved! For this election,out of 254 county websites, we found56 “outstanding” and 22 “very good” county election websites.

Preparing for the 87th Legislative Session

The 87th Texas Legislature begins on January 12, and the League is ready. We are tracking bills that are being filed, interviewing legislators, and preparing for Lobby Days as well asfine tuningour communications strategies to engage constituents around Texas.

We have 24 Issue Chairs reviewing the bills that are being filedwhich addressthe issues on which the League has taken a position. (Texas League positions) League Issue Chairs post blogs on the LWVTX Advocacy webpages to keep you up to date on what is happening regarding the issues you care about. Several Issue Chairs have already posted new blogs in anticipation of the legislative session.Check them out on the League Advocacy pages.

League members are energized to advocate for issues in the 87th Texas Legislative Session. Leagues across the state are conducting interviews with our state senators and representatives.The interviews will help us plan advocacy efforts during the legislative session by determiningwhat issues legislators support or oppose.

Be watching for our weeklyCapitol Action Reportand be prepared to respond to League Action Alerts. During the last session, League members and supporters sent over 50,000 emails to Texas legislators. With voting rights and election laws and the redistricting process as top priorities, your response to every Action Alert will be vital. Let your legislators know what you think and share the action alerts with your friends.

Please hold February 6thon your calendarfor a virtual Texas League Lobby Days.