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August League Action News!

LWV Texas | Published on 8/3/2020
100 years strong
President's Message
Grace Chimene

For the last year I have been lookingforward to August 26, 2020 and the centennial commemoration of the 19th Amendment. I imagined parades of women dressed as suffragists marching with banners celebrating the suffrage heroines of the past we all know as well as theAfrican American and Latina voting rights activists we are finally learning more about.Instead, I look on with respect at the new civil rights heroes and heroines of today who are leading the peaceful protestsfor basic human and civil rights, in Texas and across the country.

The League knows the fight for civil rights and voting rights is not over. We will continue to fight into our next 100 years for laws and policieswhich allow equal and fair access to the voting booth.

The #2020 General Election is historic in many ways. We must work together to help Texas voters overcome the unique barriers to voting created by the COVID 19 pandemic.

No one should have to choose between exercising their constitutional right to vote and their personal health and safety. In Texas, we face a unique constellation of challenges:
  • All voters are not allowed to vote safely and securely by mail at home.
  • COVID-19 makes in person voter registration dangerous, yet Texas citizens are still not allowed to register to vote online - like in almost every other state in the U.S.
  • While our election officials struggle to find poll workers, Governor Abbott exempted voters, poll workers and poll watchers from wearing a mask increasing the level of risk for in person voting.

Our current League heroines find the energy to support our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy in spite of COVID 19.Today League members are implementinginnovative ideas to Make Democracy Work® in Texas.We have moved our fight for democracy online!

I am inspired and grateful for these final words from civil rights leader John Lewis.“The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed. You can lose it.”This is indeed our mission marching forward for the next 100 years of empowering voters and defending democracy.

Thank you for walking with me on this path! I am honored to be marching forward with you!
The Texas League in Action!
Mark your calendars forA Century of Voting Silent Auction and Fundraiser,a virtual event. To help us commemorate the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment,Jackie Venson, Austin native and talented bluesy rock guitarist and singer, will give a special performance for the Texas League!A 30-minute auction kick-off will live-stream on the LWVTX Facebook page, beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 26th.

The Silent Auction will be live from Wednesday, August 26th at 6:00 p.m. through Saturday, August 29th at 6:00 p.m.

Browsethewide selection of items ranging from women's suffrage lapel pins to extravagant gourmet meals and tickets to stimulating, fun events... and more!

Many Texas Leagues are hosting events to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment.Check your local League's websiteto see what they have planned.
Webinar: Election Worker Recruitment - Aug 5, 3-4 pm

The League of Women Voters of Texas invites you to awebinarvia Zoom3 - 4 pm, Wednesday, August 5thto kick off statewide promotion of election worker recruitment for the November 3rd General Election!

For information on how to stay safe while at the polls, check out ourVoting & the Coronavirus pageon the LWVTX website. Working together we can ensure that all Texans have their vote count and their voices heard in our elections!
Thank you for helping us to keep the polls safe!
How to Register to Vote in a Pandemic - LWV Texas
Share Today:
Pandemic Voter Registration Video
Check out the state office's new video -How To Register to Vote During a Pandemic

Then share the rest of theBe a Texas Voter YouTube playlistandcivics curriculumwith educators -and don't forget to subscribe!
Press Release: League of Women Voters Urges Texas Governor to Ensure Safety at Polls!

The League of Women Voters of Texas issued a press release encouraging Governor Abbott to remove the exemption of election workers and poll watchersfrom theStatewide Face Covering Requirement.We greatly appreciate the extension of the early voting period for the general election, and now our goal is to make voting as safe as possible!

Press Release:Improvements Needed on County Elections Websites Regarding Safe Voting!

The League of Women Voters of Texas conducted itssixth survey of Texas county websites in July 2020. Thisreviewwas narrow in scope, focusing the information counties are providing voters regarding the impact of COVID-19 on voting and elections.Only thirty counties ranked "Outstanding" in this review. Read thefull press releaseon our website for more information about the review and to see our recommendations to ensure safer voting conditions.