Texas State University designated a voter friendly campus
Staff Reports, San Marcos Corridor News | Published on 3/11/2021
SAN MARCOS – Texas State University has been designated a “Voter Friendly Campus” through an initiative led by the national nonpartisan organizations Fair Elections Center’s Campus Vote Project (CVP) and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.
The designation is based on Texas State’s nonpartisan, university-wide and inclusive programming and events that encouraged students to register and vote in the 2020 elections and beyond.
In preparation for the 2020 elections, Texas State President Denise M. Trauth formed an elections task force in August 2020 with 25 faculty, staff and student members. Sherri Benn, assistant vice president for institutional inclusive excellence for student initiatives, chaired the task force which developed a plan to proactively prepare the university community for the elections and promote constructive interactions through the election season.
“Voter Friendly Campus” was one of six election task force subcommittees and was charged with implementing strategies, in collaboration with the other five subcommittees, to provide opportunities for engagement in respectful discourse, promotion of voting and civic engagement, preparation for election night and post-election processing.
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