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7.12.21 Capitol Action Report

LWV Texas | Published on 7/12/2021

July 12, 2021

Threats to voting rights are front and center in this special session. During the regular session, we helped stop the omnibus election bill in the House.

Now we need to stop HB 3! It was voted out of committee Sunday morning and is headed to the House floor for a vote -- possibly today!

NEW Action Alert - SB 1 Attacks Voting Rights!

Consider sending the Letters to the Editor!

Our alerts will have a pre-written letter to the editor and these are so effective in educating the broader public, especially in suburban and rural areas.When you send your letter to legislators, you get the option to send the Letter to the Editor, with a list of the local media in your area.Click which paper to send it to, and it goes with your name and address directly to that paper. (You can click up to six papers).

The large city papers get numerous letters and may require more contact information, so instead, choose the small suburban and rural papers in your area.My suburban weekly paper has printed two of our letters!You can also modify and personalize the letter with your experiences before sending.
Rally for Voting Rights at the Texas Capitol 11:00AM Monday, July 19
The League of Women Voters is partnering with Texas Impact and Texas LULAC for aJuly 19th, Rally for Voting Rights at the Capitol.

The event includes dinner on Sunday night. LWVUS CEO Virginia Kase Solomon will be a featured speaker on a panel discussion!The dinner free, but you must register to attend.

There will be training on the issues Monday morning before the rally and participants are planning to visit their legislators after the rally. Click here to sign up.

The League at the Capitol
Voting Rights Testimony in Opposition to SB 1
Testimony on SB 1 and HB 3
Click on the video to the left to see League volunteer Susana Carranza as she testifies in opposition to SB1.

Click here to read LWV Texas board member Susan Schultz's testimony on HB 3.