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August 2021 Action News!

LWV Texas | Published on 8/3/2021

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August 2021 Action News!

President's Message:
Grace Chimene

Dear Aileen,

Support our American democracy by sharing your voting stories!Let's celebrate a democracy where we can change our political leaders in a peaceful manner through the process of voting.
Please share your voting story with your elected official and your community by writing a letter to the editor.Use the League’s Take Action tool.

Thank you for standing up for democracy in Texas!
Your Texas League in Action!
motor voter graphic
A settlement was reached in the federal lawsuit against the state of Texas for violation of the National Voter Registration Act. This is a big win for all Texans! The League of Women Voters of Texas was a plaintiff represented by the Texas Civil Rights Project in this suit.

"The freedom to vote hinges on access to participation, and the ability to register to vote online is essential to Texans’ right to this access. We are pleased with this victory that ensures Texans will have the full rights guaranteed to them by the National Voter Registration Act. However, this five-year-long protracted lawsuit was only necessary because the State of Texas had continuously refused to implement this right that was guaranteed to all voters in Texas. We celebrate today’s victory, and we commit to continue our fight for full and equal access to democracy in Texas.” Grace Chimene

Read the full press release here.
The League released a statement calling for immediate adoption of rules to further regulate the role of money in judicial elections.

As theDallas Morning Newsnoted in a recent editorial opposing this proposed election review, "The one thing that Democrats and Republicans can agree upon is that Donald Trump carried Texas in 2020 and Republicans carried every statewide seat as they have done in every election cycle since the mid-1990s.”

Send this Action Alert to stop the consideration of HB 241 by Rep. Toth!! This bill asks for an “audit” by an outside agency of the November 2020 election - in the 13 most populous counties in Texas! This would be a sham review based on unfounded allegations.Read and send the Action Alert and the Letter to the Editor .If this bill is not heard in this Special Session, it could come up in the next one. Show our legislators that we oppose this illegitimate election review!

Read the Learn More section, then take action.
Advocacy Updates!
Janet Imhoff
Vice President Advocacy

The standoff continues as 57 House Democrats left Texas for Washington, D.C., depriving a quorum in the Texas House of Representatives.Their aim is to prevent the passage of restrictive new voting regulations that the League also opposes.The special session will expire on August 6, and the Governor has not announced at this writing when or if he will call a second special session.

Developments on the Governor’s Veto of the Legislature's Budget
  • The House Committee on Administration has released a summary of what payments will stop as of Sept. 1.They include staff salaries and health insurance premiums, district office leases and telephone service, office cleaning, travel reimbursements, and office supplies.
  • Funding for House organizations such as the House Research Organization and Legislative Budget Board will cease.These do major work preparing for the upcoming redistricting process.
  • A joint resolution has been filed by Sen. Seliger to take away the governor’s line-item veto power. SJR 8, if passed by both the Texas Senate and House, would appear as a proposed Constitutional Amendment on the November 2021 ballot.Of course, the House is not in session due to a lack of a quorum, and the bill has not been assigned to a Senate committee.
  • We are waiting for a ruling from the Texas Supreme Court as to whether the governor's action is legal due to the separation-of-powers established in Article II of the Texas constitution.
As this special session of the Texas Legislature comes to an end, read the new Voting Rights and Election Laws blog post by Cinde Weatherby (Austin Area) for her insight on what to expect from the anticipated second special session.

Cinde is looking for volunteers to provide testimony at the Capitol in support of voting rights during this next special session. Please go to this form to indicate your interest.
Local Leagues in Action!
The League of Women Voters | 2020-2021
LWV Houston in the News!

"Democracy is about inclusion. It is not about exclusion," says Annie Benifield, Vice President of Voter Services for LWV Houston, in an interview with regarding how difficult it is to vote in Texas.

Read the full article here.

Watch this video produced by LWV Houston illustrating the work the League does to empower voters and defend democracy!
The Roles of Health Care & Housing in Economic Inequity
LWV San Antonio Hosted Webinar - July 26 6 PM

The gap between the economic elite and everyone else - poor, working-class, middle class, and even the upper class - has continued to grow in recent decades and continues to grow. this trend threatens our democracy, our economic well-being, and our professed values as a country. Join us for this fourth in a series of webinars. This forum considers issues related to health care and housing. Videos of the four forums are available on the LWVSA YouTube channel.
Nominations for League of Women Voters of Texas State Board
Would you or someone you know make an excellent League of Women Voters of Texas board member? We are looking for candidates committed to empowering voters and defending democracy who have experience in leadership, business, government, philanthropy, or nonprofit work. Creative visionaries and hard workers should apply. Find more information here!