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CHAMPLIN: Setting the record straight on the League of Women Voters

Jerrie Champlin, Opinion: New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung | Published on 9/19/2022

In a recent column, Teri Taylor accused the League of Women Voters - Comal Area (LWV-CA) and me of dishonesty when the LWV states it is nonpartisan, and me when I said that “women have fewer rights than they’ve had in decades.”

The League never endorses, supports or opposes political parties or candidates. LWV election flyers, voters guide and online voting resources do not include any political endorsements or opposition. We distribute information about registration and election processes, dates and deadlines; what is on the ballot, and how to contact the Secretary of State and county election offices with questions. We register voters and assist registered voters to update their registration. We invite all candidates to participate in our onlline and printed voters guide, and in any candidate forums we host. We do not edit any candidate responses to questions we collect from the constituent community.

These information resources and services are provided to all. We never ask or keep track of the political party or affiliations of the voters or of our own members. The only organizations we partner with are other nonprofit, nonpartisan groups like LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens), the MLK Association, Comal County Conservation Alliance and Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance. We do not partner with either political party or any political candidate at any level of government.

We envision a democracy in which every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate. I guarantee that we will register and provide nonpartisan information to any eligible voter regardless of their political affiliations. A goal is to increase voter turnout and citizen participation in our democracy. We oppose any attempt to obstruct or limit our freedom to vote in safe and accessible elections for all.

Re: my statement that women have fewer rights. Ms. Taylor is of course entitled to her own opinion and I will not call her dishonest because she disagrees with me. We have more rights than women did in 1919 or in 1776. However, I think that a majority of U.S. and Texas women would agree that the loss of bodily autonomy and the right to make our own medical and reproductive choices is a major loss of human rights that puts us in a position with less individual freedom than we’ve had since 1973.

The League of Women Voters believes every US resident should have access to affordable, quality health care, including birth control and the privacy to make reproductive choices. Health care and women’s reproductive choices should not be a political football. Democracy depends on equal rights for all people. Losing our right to reproductive choice opens the door to the loss of other freedoms like marriage equality, contraception, and the right to engage in private, consensual intimacy.

The right to our own opinions is also essential to our democracy. Issues are not partisan and political parties do not own issues. A politician or political party taking a position similar or conflicting to the League’s position on any issue does not make the issue or the League partisan. The LWV is a grassroots, member driven organization. We study issues of concern to our members and reach positions on those issues through consensus. Individual members are not required to support every advocacy position taken by the League at any level.

We encourage active and informed participation in government, and remain committed to being a nonpartisan voice for all.

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