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League of Women Voters: Justice Texas Supreme Court Place 3

Becky Cooper, Victoria Advocate | Published on 10/23/2022


Debra Lehrmann - REPUBLICAN

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Ethics: Since judicial candidates solicit donations and raise money to be elected, how can voters be assured that campaign donations will not impact how judges interpret the law and/or review lower court decisions?

As senior justice on the Supreme Court of Texas, and after many years of judicial service, I have a proven record of fairly and impartially applying the law in every case. It is critical that we consistently and rigorously apply the rule of law across the board, to supporters and non-supporters alike. The risk diminishes when judges employ sound and stable methods, as I have for many years.

Standards: Texas requires that candidates for this Court be licensed in Texas for at least 10 years and have no suspensions or revocations in that time. What are the positive and negative impacts of this requirement?

This Constitutional Amendment raised the basic minimum requirements for this office. Because Texans deserve a high-quality judiciary, these standards are essential. But, they are not rigorous enough. I have over three decades of judicial experience and have received many awards for exemplary judicial service. Lawyers and non-lawyers have recognized my scholarly, consistent and responsible approach.

Equity: What can be done to improve access to justice for all, including persons or groups who may be underserved?

If justice is denied to one individual, it is denied to all. During my tenure on the Court, we have made great progress in improving access to justice for all persons, regardless of financial means. We have devoted much time and effort toward increasing public and private support for expanded representation of underprivileged Texans. Proud of these efforts, I intend to expand upon this work. Other Issues: What issues do you believe will be the most pressing for the Texas Supreme Court?

The U.S. Supreme Court has increasingly divested itself of jurisdiction over issues it has determined belong to the individual states. Examples include gerrymandering, voting rights, and a woman’s right to bodily autonomy. Accordingly, these issues will continue to arise within our state courts. As new laws are passed, interpreted, and even contested, the Texas Supreme Court will be the forum.

Becky Cooper
Managing Editor 
Becky Cooper is managing editor for the Victoria Advocate. She received her degree in journalism from Southwest Texas State University. She joined the Victoria Advocate on April 1, 1985. Contact her at

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