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Capitol Action Report- 1/17/23

Elisabeth MacNamara | Published on 1/17/2023
January 17, 2023

The 88th Texas Legislature convened on January 10. A budget surplus of $32.7 billion will likely take center stage. Even with constitutional spending caps, there will be plenty of money to spend. Our priority issues are Voting Rights and Election Law, Gun Safety, Women’s Healthcare and Reproductive Rights and Public Education. For every one of those issues increased funding is needed.

Texas is growing. More people means more voters, more public-school students and more women in need of access to healthcare. Effective, common-sense gun laws require funding for community prevention of violence and proper background checks.

Redistricting is not behind us yet!

Last week, the Senate took steps to start the redistricting process once again. Senator Huffman filed legislation (SB375) that would "ratify" the exact same senate map that was passed last fall in a special session. This is, in part, due to their interpretation of the state constitution that says redistricting must occur in a regular, legislative session.

On Wednesday, the Texas Senate adopted Senate Resolution 2 (SR2), which calls for virtual, regional public input hearings to be held to collect public input on the map. The question is why hold multiple public hearings when you plan to adopt the exact same map? These hearings are nothing but a sham. They are an illusion of a fair and open process.

We do not want to lose some of the legislative record that was created during the special session (testimony, committee layouts, floor debates, etc.). Much of this previous work was included in the record for the lawsuits that have been filed challenging the current map.

It is crucial that you provide testimony once again, in case we have to recreate the legislative record. Read the Take Action section below to find out how you can help.

There will undoubtedly be a lot of challenges ahead, and we're counting on you to fight for and uphold our democracy. Thank you for your hard work and determination empowering voters and defending democracy!

Take Action!

We need your help with redistricting!

It is crucial that you provide testimony once again, in case we have to recreate the legislative record. You have a few options to do so:
  1. Resubmit your written testimony from the last session, and also add in comments about the sham hearings/process. Again, why hold regional hearings if you've already stated that you are not changing the maps?

  2. Sign up to provide virtual testimony. Remember, you can provide input at any of the hearings, not just the hearing that covers your region of the state. Please be sure to notify the committee clerk if someone in your group needs language assistance, and please reach out to us if they deny your request, like they did last session.

  3. Prepare new testimony that talks about how you have been impacted by the current maps:

    • Did you lose your candidate of choice?
    • How has your community been impacted by the new map?
    • What new policy issues have impacted/continue to impact your community?
    • Are you now mixed in with communities located in far off places, ones that have very different needs?
    • Has your new senator been responsive to your needs so far?
    • Are there any new problems pertaining to discrimination that you have faced, whether it be in elections or some other policy area like housing, healthcare, the environment?

Priority Issues

Voting Rights/Election Law

As in the rest of the country, Texas elections are underfunded. State and local election officials need more money to accommodate more voters and to increase the security of our election infrastructure. But increased funding should not be used to increase policing of elections or to fund efforts to take over local elections.

Women Healthcare/Reproductive Rights
Healthcare for low-income women and children is woefully underfunded. Simply funding what is already mandated by Texas law would be an improvement.

Gun Safety
Since the last legislative session, the Supreme Court has expanded gun rights under the Second Amendment. The result has been Federal Appellate decisions raising questions as to what state and local regulations will pass constitutional muster.

Public Education
Preserving and expanding state funding for public schools is a priority as well as opposing efforts to reduce funding through vouchers.

In Other News

Lobby Days 2023

The League of Women Voters of Texas Lobby Days will take place on February 27th-28th, 2023 in Austin, Texas. There will be an in-person training for League members on Monday, February 27th, and legislative visits will happen on Tuesday, February 28th.

Women Power Texas~ A Making Democracy Work Dinner

You're cordially invited to attend "Women Power Texas ~ A Making Democracy Work Dinner," our annual fundraising dinner, on Monday, February 27th, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the UT Etter-Harbin Alumni Center located at 2110 San Jacinto Boulevard in Austin, Texas.

Our keynote speaker is Rochelle Garza, and our honorees are Texas Gun Sense, Texas Impact, and the Texas Tribune.

Sponsorship packages are available. For more information about the event and to purchase tickets and sponsorship packages, click here.

League of Women Voters of Texas

1212 Guadalupe St. #107
Austin Texas, 78701
(512) 472-1100