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Capitol Action Report- 3/28/23

Elisabeth MacNamara | Published on 3/28/2023
March 28, 2023

Bills addressing matters in each of our priority issue areas were heard last week and with two exceptions, the bills the League is following were left pending. HB 12, which extends post-partum Medicaid coverage from the current two months to 12 months, has passed out of committee. Watch for an Action Alert on this important legislation in our next report. Similarly, HCR 36, calling on Congress to compensate the survivors of the Sutherland Springs mass shooting, was passed favorably out of committee.

Still pending in committee is SB 8, the Governor’s bills creating educational savings accounts. The League is opposed to this legislation and any other effort to expand vouchers at the expense of adequate funding for public schools. Our action alert is included below. Also pending is HB 636, which would permit election judges with a license to carry to carry their firearm in a polling location, and HB 2351, which would allow volunteer deputy registrars to renew their certificates by mail or email. Also still pending in committee is HB 3166, which would create a statewide court of appeals with jurisdiction limited to appeals from cases involving against the state or state agencies.

Thank you for your patience, vigilance, and determination during this legislative session!

In League,

Priority Issues

Women's Healthcare and Reproductive Rights
Catherine Maxwell

HB 12, which provides twelve months of postpartum healthcare to maternity Medicaid patients, has moved out of the House Committee and is expected to pass the House. The Texas Women’s Healthcare Coalition (TWHC) has asked LWVTX to call and reach out to our Senators between April 3rd-April 7th when the bill will most likely be presented to that chamber. An Action Alert with details will be sent out soon.

During the last legislative session, the House passed a bill like this one, also supporting twelve months. However, the Senate dialed it back to six months. There is no reason for doing this since the Legislature had always expected the Federal Government to pay for it. However, this is the reason TWHC is making a big push for when the House bill is turned over to the Senate.

HB 916, authorizing insurance companies to let patients obtain a twelve-month supply of birth control vs. one or three months after the initial RX, has moved out of committee.

There has been no movement on bills pertaining to reproductive rights.

Voting Rights and Election Law
Stephanie Swanson

In addition to HB 2351, the House Elections Committee heard HB386 which would require poll managers to mark off a designated parking space other than a space already designated as handicap parking, with appropriate signage for those needing to vote curbside. The bill garnered great support and remains pending. HB 2800 would open Election Board meetings in counties which have such a board. HB 82 creates an oath for presidential electors to prevent them from voting for any candidate other than the candidate winning the majority vote in Texas. The bill also contains some certification language that is unclear as to its intent. The intent was not made clear at the hearing.

This week, the House Committee will take up HB 2020 which is the companion to SB 823 allowing the removal of a local election administrator. Also, on the agenda is HB 5053 permitting felony offenses under the election code to be tried in an adjoining county.

Take Action!

Our Vote is Our Voice, But It Could Put Us Behind Bars

We oppose SB 2, which would increase penalties for ineligible voters and criminalize simple voting mistakes.Use ourAction Centerto write a letter to your legislators to oppose SB 2.

Texas Public Schools Need More Money, Not Less

Oppose SB 8! Texas public schools need more money, not less. Educational Savings Accounts are vouchers by another name. Vouchers divert taxpayer dollars from public schools to pay for private school tuition and other vendors. Use ourAction Centerto write a letter to your legislators to oppose SB 8.

Do Not Arm Election Judges at Polling Places!

Oppose HB 636! Polling places need to be safe for all voters. Allowing election judges to carry handguns in polling places does not ensure safety it intimidates voters. Use ourAction Centerto write a letter to your legislators to oppose HB 636.

There is No Need for a Statewide Court of Appeals

Oppose SB 1045 & HB 3166!Proposals in the House and Senate to create a statewide court of appeals to hear cases in which the State of Texas is a party is wasteful and a violation of minority rights. Use ourAction Centerto write a letter to your legislators and ask them to oppose SB 1045 & HB 3166.

League of Women Voters of Texas

1212 Guadalupe St. #107
Austin Texas, 78701
(512) 472-1100