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HomeEventsArthur Signs Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

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Arthur Signs Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)

About this event

#OnThisDay in 1882 Arthur signed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The 1882 Act was the first US history to place broad restrictions on immigration.


1882 - Arthur signs Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Prevents Chinese nationals from eligibility for US citizenship (scheduled to last 10 yrs)

1892 - Harrison signs the Geary Act
Renews Chinese Exclusion act of 1882 (extends for 10 additional years and in 1902 indefinitely extended)

1943 - Roosevelt signs the Magnuson Act
Repeals the Chinese Exclusion Act leaving a yearly limit of 105 Chinese and gives foreign-born Chinese the right to seek naturalization

1965 - Johnson signs Hart-Celler Act
Eliminates policy of limiting immigration based on national origin


National Archive Chinese Americans:

Chinese Exclusion History:

Chinese Exclusion Act:

Congress' Apology for Chinese Exclusion:



Friday, May 06, 2022

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LWV Texas
5124721100 (p)


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