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Clinton Signs NVRA (1993)
About this event
#OnThisDay in 1993 Clinton signed the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (also referred to as the Motor Voter Act). The bill advanced voting rights, including (but not limited to) requiring states to offer voter registration opportunities to eligible persons during driver’s license renewal.
1990 - LWV convenes a symposium to examine the role of negative campaigning in the decline in voter participation. The symposium leads to a comprehensive effort to return the voter to the center of the election process. LWV works with a coalition of partners to support legislation reforming voter registration.
1992 - Congress passes the NVRA of 1992
1992 - Bush vetoes the bill
1992 - Congress fails to override the veto
1993 - Congress passes the NVRA of 1993
1993 - Clinton signs the bill into law
-- LWV 2018-2020 Impact report:
-- LWV Celebrates NVRA 27 Anniversary:
-- Bush's comments regarding NVRA of 1992:
-- Clinton's comment regarding NVRA of 1993:
-- US Justice Department:
Historical Dates
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