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HomeProgram Studies and Issue updates
Program and Studies

State Program Planning and Program Adoption

Deadline for receipt of Program Planning Report FormDECEMBER 15, 2021

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What are League Positions?
What are League Positions?

The League of Women Voters takes action on an issue only when we have a position addressing it. If the members have not studied and come to consensus on it, the League has no position and therefore cannot take action. 

The League’s point of view on a public policy issue arrived at after study and either consensus or concurrence. state League positions are found in Advocacy & Issues 2020-2022  and LWVUS positions are found in Impact on Issues .

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Program Planning; How League Members Make Recommendations on Positions?
Program Planning; How League Members Make Recommendations on Positions?

At our biennial League conventions, delegates consider changes to our Program positions (issues).  Because we are a grassroots organization, all suggested changes are made by members, through their local Leagues.
These are the options:

  • New study

  • Review/update of a current position 

  • Amendment to an existing position

  • Concurrence with a local position

  • Concurrence with another  state’s  position (suggested by Issue Chairs)

Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Please use a DEI lens when providing input on program planning.  Diversity, Equity, DEI is an important factor to be considered when reviewing positions, selecting topics and carrying out studies.

Recommended Program: The State Board will choose among the submitted ideas and make a “Recommended Program” to be submitted to the Convention.

Non-recommended Items:  All other submitted items will be listed in the Convention Workbook.  Any of these may be moved for consideration at Convention.  This would take a majority of the delegates to vote to consider an item, and after debate, a two-thirds vote to adopt it.

IMPORTANT: No program recommendation can be considered by Convention unless it was communicated to the state board at least three months before the convention. (Bylaws, Article X, Section 2.a)

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Options for Leagues to Make Recommendations for Positions
Options for Leagues to Make Recommendations for Positions
  1. New Study Recommendation

In generating ideas, consider the following:

  • Is there widespread member interest?

  • Is this a timely issue?

  • Is state government action needed to address this issue?

  • Is this already covered by current state or national positions?

  • Would concurrence with another state or local League's position be more appropriate?

Write a brief summary of the focus and scope of the suggested study. 

Focus:  A title or statement of the topic.

Scope:  The outlook for work, or an elaboration of what the study would cover.

NOTE: Each League may suggest only one new study.

You may recommend a statewide study of an issue that your League has studied locally. This would educate members across the state, and lead to advocacy at the state level.

Review/Update of a Current Position

After reading our current position, consider the following:

  • Have new related issues emerged since this position was written?

  • Have some of the goals been achieved?

  • Is there still member understanding and agreement concerning this position?

The state board will send suggested reviews to a committee, who might recommend a restudy to the state convention. Please explain the reason for this review/update.

NOTE: Each League may suggest only one position review/update.

NOTE:  All positions are found in Advocacy & Issues 2020-2022.

Amendment to an Existing Position

In your review of state positions, you may see the need for an addition or other amendment, but you feel it does not warrant a full review. 

Please provide the suggested wording for the proposed amendment and the reasons it is needed on your Program Planning Report Form. 

Adoption of Local Position by the State Convention (Concurrence)

Some local Leagues study issues that have broad regional interest, and then find that their position needs action by the state legislature. Our bylaws allow a local League to propose the adoption of a local League position by concurrence at convention, making it part of  state positions (Bylaws, Article X, Section 2.c). Before recommending a concurrence, consider:

  • Is the position relevant to other parts of the state?

  • Is action needed by the state legislature to bring about change?

  • Is the issue one which delegates  can understand and vote to concur without a study?

NOTE: If the position deals with an area in which members do not have general background, we recommend that you propose it as a study rather than a concurrence. If you have questions, contact the LWVTX Advocacy chair.

Adoption of a State Position (from another state) by the LWVTX Convention (Concurrence)

Our bylaws allow the state board to propose the adoption of a  League position from another state by concurrence at convention, making it part of  Texas’ state positions (Bylaws, Article X, Section 2.c).   This is based on a recommendation from an Issue Chair.

NOTE:  If you are aware of another state League position you would like to recommend to be adopted by concurrence, please forward the position to the Advocacy Chair.

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Where to Find Studies Conducted by Leagues Across the US..
Where to Find Studies Conducted by Leagues Across the US..

Studies from across the nation are in our League of Women Voters Education Fund Clearinghouse for studies.

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Guidelines for League Study, Consensus, and Concurrence?
Guidelines for League Study, Consensus, and Concurrence?
  • A Guide to League Study Consensus and Concurrence LWVTX (2021)

  • Guidelines for LWVUS Study

    1. Study Committee members fashion consensus questions that are then asked of the membership as part of a study kit. Kits often include articles, books, data in the form of charts and graphs, videos, suggested speakers, discussion questions, and other resources. Members use the study kit internally and often with their community to better understand the issue.

    2. Consensus is the overall decision-making process by which substantial agreement among members is reached on an issue. Often this happens over the course of several meetings, but may include surveys and other methods. If the members reach consensus, the board forms recommended positions based on that consensus. Those recommendations are submitted to the Study Committee.

    3. The Study Committee then reviews all the submissions. It works to form a consensus statement - the statement resulting from the consensus questions - that becomes a recommended position.

    4. That recommended position is then reviewed and voted on by our members (usually by delegates at our Convention). The proposal may be approved, amended, or be rejected at that time.

    5. If a position is adopted, firm action can then be taken on the particular issue addressed by the position. Without a position, action can not be taken on that issue.

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Have A Program Planning Meeting!
Have A Program Planning Meeting!
  • Prepare for your Program Planning Meeting
    • Publicize Program Planning in your newsletter or by email, so members begin thinking about possible issues not covered by current positions. 

      • Suggest “hot” topics. Emphasize members’ participation as the “grassroots” of our organization.

      • Include a link to We Support.

    • Assign some members to familiarize themselves with current positions by reviewing them in Advocacy & Issues.

    • Set a date for members who cannot attend the program planning meeting to submit input.

    • Approve your Program Planning Report at a board meeting before sending it to LWVTX. (NOTE: only one report per League may be submitted.)

    Suggested Program Planning Meeting Outline

    1.   Introduction (5-10 minutes)

    • Explain League program and the program planning process.

    • Explain to members that delegates will readopt our positions at Convention, and will vote on any changes, additions, or new studies.

    • If former convention delegates are present, have them highlight the debate, lobbying, and floor action of program  adoption.

    • Remind members to use a  Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) lens when reviewing state positions.

    2.   Review of Current Program (15-20 minutes)

    • Use We Support 2021 to review current League program (short statements).

    • Full positions are found in Advocacy & Issues, for further discussion.

    • Through consensus, decide which positions your League wants to recommend for review or amendment, if any.

    • If you want to recommend a review/update of a state position, explain the reasons for your recommendation.

    • If you want to recommend minor changes to a state position, but not an entire review, recommend an amendment. Provide suggested wording and reasons.

    3.   Solicit ideas for New Studies (10-15 minutes)

    • Ask members for ideas of subjects they feel need to be studied by the League.

    (This could be a new topic, or one related to a current position).

    • Through consensus, decide on one subject you want to recommend.

    • Write a focus and scope for the study.

    4.   Recommend concurrence with a local League position (optional).

    • If your League has a position you want to recommend for concurrence, send a copy of your position.

    • Also provide background information, pros and cons, and the rationale for using this form of member agreement.

    5. Complete the Program Planning Report Form

    • Program chair or president completes the Report Form.

    • Board approves the report.

    • Report Form is submitted using the Program Planning Report Form

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Timeline for Program Planning and Program Adoption
Timeline for Program Planning and Program Adoption

Fall 2021

  • Local Leagues set a meeting date for state program planning (review of state positions). Program planning may be done at a board meeting, but all members should be invited.

  • Advertise the meeting and solicit member suggestions.

  • Complete/approve Program Planning Report Form, and return by deadline.

December 15, 2021

  • DEADLINE for returning Program Planning Report.

January 2022

  • The Advocacy/Education Committee analyzes responses and submits a Recommended Program for Board discussion.  

  • LWVTX board approves the 2022 Recommended Program.

January-March 2022

  • Local Leagues and Leagues at Large are notified of highlights of Recommended Program, including not-recommended items. Information includes guidance on campaigning at state Convention for not-recommended items.

  • The Convention Workbook, containing the complete Recommended Program and list of not-recommended items is published and made available at least 30 days before Convention, March 9, 2022.

  • Campaigning for a Non-Recommended Item:

    • Leagues may campaign if their recommendation is not part of the Recommended Program. 

      • They may send other local Leagues information on their recommendation and may schedule a caucus at the convention to present to other delegates.

April 8-10, 2022 - LWVTX Convention in Austin

  • Presentation of Recommended Program, including any proposed new study, restudy/update, or concurrence.

  • Motions for consideration of not-recommended items, if any.

  • Debate on proposed program and any not-recommended items voted for consideration by a majority of Convention delegates.

  • Vote on adoption of Recommended Program (majority vote).

  • Vote on adoption of non-recommended items granted consideration (2/3 majority needed).

Quick link:

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League Management
League Management

League Management - Resources for Leagues in Texas to support our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy.

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Running Your League
Running Your League

Running Your League - Basic resources from LWVTX and LWVUS on managing the internal affairs of your League.

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Diversity Equity & Inclusion - Resources to support your League’s effort to educate yourself on DEI.
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ClubExpress Launch Box
ClubExpress Launch Box
ClubExpress - A guide to evaluating and migrating to the ClubExpress platform.
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Communications - Tools to assist your League with outreach on priority issues and League visibility.
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Voter Education
Voter Education
Voter Education -  Resources to support your League's efforts in voter education.
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League Advocacy
League Advocacy
League Advocacy -  Resources to support our principals and positions through League advocacy.
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Program Planning/Studies
Program Planning/Studies
Program Studies and Issue updates -  Resources to support League Program Studies and Issue Updates
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Training -  In-Person, Online and Webinar Training Resources for Leagues 

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Archives -  Resources from the past for reference, research, reference, and remembering.
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LWVTX Board Resources
LWVTX Board Resources
LWV Texas Board Resources - Information for LWVTX’s Board of Directors.
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Publications - Many useful documents all in one place.